Sunday, February 13, 2011

Some Good News...

Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? Nearly a month since I last posted and probably one of the longest times I've gone without posting since I started this blog. So what's new, well... I have a job! I've started working for a charity as a Community Fundraiser, which is an area that I really wanted to get into but there never seemed to be the right roles, until now. I've just completed my first week and apart from the fact that I've started at their busiest times of year, I love it! I love being busy and it seems to have unearthed the old Janette that is highly motivated and wanting to be a success. Long may it continue!

Of course I'm still thinking about this blog and trying to at least plan some of the outstanding tasks into my busy working life (never thought I'd ever be saying that again!) In particular I'm also conscious that I started to learn French and then abandoned it half way through December and I hate leaving things half finished. Well, I now walk to work, so I've down loaded some French phrases on my I-pod and in the half an hour it takes me to walk in, I can listen to at least 5 sections of my French dialogue (it has 10 collectively). Here's hoping that it doesn't take me too long to learn them all and I can cross another task off my list!
And just before I go, I'm on BBC Radio Nottingham tomorrow (14th Feb) at 8:30am approx. Hope you can tune in!


bikerted said...

Congrats on the new job JJ. Ian can confirm that being unemployed not only puts so many things on hold, it becomes a job to find paid employment!
We will try and listen in tomorrow morning.

Things to Do said...

Congrats on the new job! Yay!

I've been taking Spanish podcasts and listening to my cars on drives too (you know in between my dancing/singing performances). Good luck!

101 Things Before You Die said...

Congrats on the new job! I have worked for non profits for much of my adult life and fundraising was part of my job responsibilities. It wasn't my favorite thing-it makes me uncomfortable to talk to people about money or to ask for money. But people that are good at it and like it, enjoy it and have very successful careers in it. I wish you the best of luck!

Tim said...

Congratulations on the new job! :)

Anonymous said...

Well done hun I am glad things are starting to settle for you, if only settle in your mind as you're sounding super busy. Am really pleased your job is working out for you. Learning French on the way to work is a fabulous idea. Well done. Speak soon xx

Janette said...

Thank you all for your kind comments. In my second week now and still surviving!

Karenjane said...

Many congratulations on the new job - hope you really enjoy it.

Being a stay-at-home isn't always as much fun as people imagine - I left work 22 years ago when we had our son, & haven't worked since. Tried many times but being a 'Mum' meant I was totally inexperienced for most jobs, & after lots of interviews a few years ago I gave up & accepted penury. Now I'm considering voluntary work, if only to stop myself being a hermit.

Janette said...

Thanks Karen and no I agree staying at home isn't all it's cracked up to be. My self worth plummented and so did my confidence - not good. I actually started as a volunteer for the charity I'm now working for and I know how highly they regard the volunteers they have. If you are interested then let me know - we are based in Kimberley, Nottingham (Marie Curie).

Nat said...

Congrats on the new venture....hope it goes well!

Janette said...

Thanks Nat! Going well so far..!

Phil Lowe said...

Hi, being a working boy myself I haven't had much of a chance to check other people's blogs. I've already said well done to you personally but it doesn't harm to say it again. Well done. proud of you and isn't it great to have a job that you enjoy?

Janette said...

Thanks my friend and it only seems like yesterday that we were drowning our sorrows in some coffee shop. The only down side is that I dont get to see you as much! Will have to arrange a trip to the Broadway in April.

Phil Lowe said...

yes we must. xx