Sunday, January 1, 2012

The End

Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? I turned 40 in November and for some reason I kept putting off doing this final blog post. After all, it's the end of an era, this blog has opened so many doors for me and helped me meet some wonderful people. Thank you to all the people that have supported me along the way. There has been highs and lows in the last four years since I set out to complete my 40 things list. Thankfully more highs and I've done an amazing amount of stuff that I would never have thought possible, being the coach potato that I am! My favourite task? Probably climbing Ben Nevis - I never thought I would ever do anything like that and now that the scars have healed I'm even thinking about climbing some more. My least favourite task was probably driving the Ferrari. I had a complete prat of an instructor that contradicted everything he said and made me come away hating the experience.

Out of my original list there are a few left that I would probably still wish to do, so I've transferred them and a few others on to a life list for my new new blog I'm also still doing the paper reviews for Radio Nottingham, so you can catch me on there once a month.
Well, I guess this is goodbye or should that be Au Revoir?

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