Friday, August 22, 2008

A Clear Desk

So, it's gone a little quiet on the old 40 things, as you may have noticed, as I've not blogged much in the last couple of weeks. I still have to get in touch with Radio Nottingham to hand the recordings over I've recently done, but that's proving to be nearly as difficult as gaining an audience with the Pope. I'm still tip toeing my way through the BBC Top 100 reads, currently reading book 59, Sebastian Faulks - Birdsong - I'm hoping to finish that task by early next year if possible. New York at New Year is booked, so unless a major catastrophe happens we will be there and hopefully clearing the trapeze task off as well! I still think the You Tube task will be the next one I will finish, just got to get my finger out to finish all the props, which I may well do this bank holiday weekend. I've given up the ghost on my novel at the moment, as I just don't seem to have the time to do anything at the moment. However, I have now cleared my desk in preparation of doing some serious writing in the next couple of months and I am off for a week fairly soon, so hoping to make a serious dent in this before Christmas.
Until the next time......

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