Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I have another radio appearance coming up in in September. It seems they have a new system of whenever you make an appearance, they like to book your next one in the diary. Which suits me fine, at least I can plan my appearances around work stuff. It also keeps me focused on my list somewhat, as each appearance always opens with the immortal words 'so tell our listeners how many tasks you've completed since you were last in' or words to that effect. Can't really turn round and say 'well actually I couldn't be arsed to do any tasks since I was last in, so nothing to report', well I could but I don't think they would ask me in again.
So focused I am, mostly on two tasks, finishing my Dr Who story off and creating a film to go onto You Tube. If I manage to finish either one of those or even both by the beginning of September then I will be a happy bunny. In the meantime, back to the home improvements and no, I still haven't got round to sending my novel off to any agents yet.

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