So where does a young (!!) Nottingham lass with a modest (but growing) shoe collection start in the land of the printed word? It seems the words start small, aim big is the motto of the day. On the recent Marie Claire 'How to get published' roadshow, a discussion began with regards for writing for magazines. Marie Claire very rarely print any articles from people who have not been published in any other publications, so working your way up from smaller publications seems to be the order of the day. Armed with that knowledge, I'm going to spend this weekend collecting various 'smaller' publications and submitting any article ideas that I may have and work from there.
Realistically my own column is not going to fall at my feet, I'm going to have to go out there and work for it. Although there is nothing to stop me from approaching larger organisations with my ideas, I think I have more chance starting off with the smaller ones. I have got an idea for a weekly blog column for a corporate company, so I'm still going to submit that (hopefully this weekend) and who knows, they may pick up the idea, they may not. I won't know until I try.
So consider this task, a work in progress at the moment and I'll update you of any progress along the way.
Good luck! Now I've got my course result I'm wanting to work out what my dreams are so I can follow them. I may re-read your list as inspiration ;)
Cool and well done on your results! Time is my worst enemy at the moment - another couple of hours in the day would enable me to get so much more writing done, sigh...
All the best on your endeavours Janette. Monka was thinking of writing a column but he is devoid of shoes. Will this ruin his chances of becoming a top Monkey Journo?
Definitely - great shoe collection = great writer, didn't you know that?!!
Good luck! It's been something that I have often thought about, just never really did anything about...
I know you can do it.
Thanks Heather, I'm going to give it a damn good try anyway!
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