Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mission Accomplished!

I was overjoyed when an email popped into my in box from my fellow blogger and very good friend Frenchy Phil asking if I wanted to catch 'Welcome To The Sticks' at the Broadway cinema on Sunday pm, but I confess, when I agreed, I did have ulterior motives. The last time we went to the cinema together was to see Le Donk, the Shane Meadows movie and I came away with the inspiration to make my own film, which fitted quite nicely into making a short film to go on You Tube task. Then an idea began to form, slow but sure at first, until I had the basis of a structure for a 10 minute short film. The subject matter? My friend Frenchy Phil. Phil is an ex actor and has had the most fascinating life that I think truly warrants capturing on film. So today at the Broadway, after plying him with lager and tempting him with a bag of minstrels, I plucked up courage to ask him and he has said yes. Now I just need to get grips with my camcorder and learn how to edit. I wonder if Shane is available for a master class?


Phil Lowe said...

I knew it! Minstrals and lager! They wus drugged. lol

More than happy to help you Janette and what's this ex actor nonsense. Who was it on the stage the other week, hein? :0)

Janette said...

I meant an ex professional actor as you once were in Crossroads etc!

Anonymous said...

Janette this sounds like a fun new project. Let me know how it goes and if you find it ok you could teach me a thing or two. Take care xx

Phil Lowe said...

oh I see