It's been one of those weird days today, where I've been kind of lazy all day and had no concept of time, whatsoever - ate when I was hungry, as apposed to when it was the 'proper' time to do so, etc.
One thing I did manage to do, was finish reading my book, for the second time. After making the initial, first edits, I wanted to read it from start to finish, to see if it worked and it does (shock, horror, gasp!) In fact, I sat on the sofa, this afternoon, after I'd read the ending and thought, bloody, hell, I really feel proud of that!
Of course, it still needs some 'tweaking' and a copy is currently with a friend of mine and will probably need even more 'tweaking', when it comes back from there. At the moment, I'm still in that stage, that can't quite believe I've actually finished doing something, that I've been planning in my head for so long!
I am getting itchy feet though. I want to get the book to the stage, where I'm submitting it to Agents, so it's technically 'finished' and there is nothing more that I can do on it, at that moment in time. I've completely loved the process of nurturing the characters from start to finish and I can't wait to start on my next project.
Me and hubbie have also been working on my website, which is nearly finished and should be ready to launch very shortly. Watch this space....